Information for Human Cells, Tissues, or Cellular or Tissue-based Products Establishments

At a glance

CDC works with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA); state, territorial, and local health departments; and Human Cells, Tissues, or Cellular or Tissue-based Products (HCT/P) establishments to help ensure the safety of the HCT/P supply.

Doctor looking at computer

What to know

On May 20, 2024, the FDA withdrew the “Guidance for Industry, Donor Screening Recommendations to Reduce the Risk of Transmission of Zika Virus by Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (Updated May 2018).” Please access the following website for further information regarding withdrawal: Information for Human Cell, Tissue, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Product (HCT/P) Establishments Regarding FDA's Determination that Zika Virus is no Longer a Relevant Communicable Disease Agent or Disease | FDA.

To access archived HCT/P donor screening information used prior to the date of withdrawal, please access these websites: