DPDM Features

At a glance

Spotlight on select DPDM activities.


2024 Features

World Malaria Day 2024 - Leading with Malaria Control Innovation in Mind

World Malaria Day 2024
Every April 25, CDC joins the global community to highlight malaria, a serious parasitic disease spread to humans by a certain type of mosquito, Anopheles.

World NTD Day 2024 - Unite. Act. Eliminate.

Students wait in line to be registered for an integrated LF/STH pre-TAS in Borgne Commune, Haiti.
Students wait in line to be registered for an integrated LF/STH pre-TAS in Borgne Commune, Haiti.

2023 Features

World Mosquito Day 2023: Joining Forces in the Global Fight Against Malaria

World Mosquito Day
CDC works hard to raise awareness of the dangers of mosquito-borne diseases. We also remain committed in the fight against the world’s deadliest creature—domestically and internationally.