Key points
- The National Health Interview Survey-Teen (NHIS-Teen) was an online survey of teenagers ages 12–17.
- The survey gathered health information about teens from teens.
- Data were collected from July 2021 to December 2023.

The National Health Interview Survey-Teen (NHIS-Teen) was an online health survey of teenagers ages 12–17. Data were collected between July 2021 and December 2023. Health and survey experts from the academic research community and the federal government provided input to help the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) develop NHIS-Teen.
Invitations to participate in NHIS-Teen were sent to teenagers living in all 50 states and District of Columbia whose parent or guardian completed the NHIS Sample Child Interview and gave permission for their teenager to be invited.
Answers from parents and their children helped paint a picture of the health of teenagers living in the United States. Legislators, policymakers, and health organizations can use these data to better understand and serve the health needs of teenagers.
NHIS-Teen topics
NHIS-Teen covered questions on a variety of health topics, including—
- Doctor visits
- Sleep
- Physical activity
- Injuries
- Mental health
- Social and emotional support
- Experiences with bullying and discrimination
Survey instrument
Participant materials
- Parent Postcard Brochure (English)
- Parent Postcard Brochure (Spanish)
- NHIS-Teen Survey Invitation
Access interactive data
NHIS-Teen reports
18-month release
- Methodology Report for the 2021–2022 National Health Interview Survey – Teen 18-month File (09/2023)
- Weighting Procedures and Bias Assessment for the 2021–2022 National Health Interview Survey – Teen 18-month (09/2023)
30-month release
- Methodology Report for the 2021–2023 National Health Interview Survey – Teen 30-month (09/2024)
- Weighting Procedures and Bias Assessment for the 2021–2023 National Health Interview Survey – Teen 30-month (09/2024)
- Percentage of Children and Adolescents Aged 12–17 Years Who Participated in 60 Minutes of Physical Activity Most Days or Every Day, by Daily Hours of Screen Time Use—United States, July 2021–December 2023 (11/07/2024)
- Bullying Victimization Among Teenagers: United States, July 2021–December 2023 (10/2024)
- Daily Screen Time Among Teenagers: United States, July 2021–December 2023 (10/2024)
- Perceived Social and Emotional Support Among Teenagers: United States, July 2021–December 2022 (07/16/2024)