NCHHSTP funds programs for state, local and territorial health departments, community-based organizations, national organizations, academic institutions, and education agencies. These prevention and treatment programs are essential to the nation's public health infrastructure.
HIV funding opportunities
Funding Announcement: HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB in the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands
Funding for Policy as a Public Health Interventions for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and Tuberculosis
Funding: Policy as Public Health Interventions for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB
Funding for NCHHSTP Epidemiologic and Economic Modeling for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB
Learn about the NOFO for PS24-0020.
Learn about the NOFO for PS24-0121, Funding for Secure Deduplication Tool for HIV Surveillance.
Discover a NOFO about high-impact prevention and surveillance programs for health departments.
Discover a notice of funding opportunity about LAI-ART for people with HIV released from prison.
Learn about funding to build research capacity for historically underrepresented researchers on raci...
Learn about a NOFO for rural health worker-mediated services and outreach for persons with HIV.
Discover a NOFO for identifying historical drivers of MM among HLMSM for HIV Prevention.
Learn about the NOFO for RFA-PS-23-005 and expanding antiretroviral therapy in emergency departments
Learn about the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for RFA-PS-23-004.
Learn about the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for RFA-PS-23-003.
Discover a NOFO for enhancing telehealth strategies to support retention and adherence to ART.
Discover a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for increasing PrEP use among black cisgender women.
An overview and guidance on applying to NOFO PS22-2211.
Notice of Funding Opportunity for PS22-2209
An overview and guidance of what funding for PS22-2203 allows for and how to apply for it.
An overview and guidance for applying to NOFO PS22-2201 for HIV Behavioral Surveillance.
An overview of NOFO PS21-2104 and the submission process for funding.
An overview and submission guidance for NOFO PS21-2102.
An overview and guidance for applicants regarding the NOFO PS19-1906 program.
CDC announces FY 2025 funds for a cooperative agreement for the Medical Monitoring Project.