Information for Families about Sickle Cell Disease

Douglas family

This section of the website has tools and information about sickle cell disease (SCD) for families.

How much do you know about SCD?
Take this quiz to test your knowledge.

Facts about SCD
Learn basic information about SCD, including types, symptoms, and diagnoses.

Complications and Treatments
Find out about the most common complications and treatments with SCD

Sickle Cell Trait
Learn about sickle cell trait concerns and complications.

Tips for Healthy Living
Find printable tip sheets for living with SCD, including tips to help prevent infection and tips on when to see a doctor. Click on one of the following tip sheets to get started.

Steps to Better Health Toolkit
In partnership with the American Society of Hematology (ASH), CDC has created health guidance materials for people with sickle cell disease  (SCD) based on the ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines on Sickle Cell Disease. These materials include common complications of SCD and steps to take for better health.

Family Planning Options for Couples with Sickle Cell Trait or Sickle Cell Disease Fact Sheet
The first step in family planning is learning if you and your partner carry genes that lead to a chance of having a child with sickle cell disease (SCD). Learn more in this fact sheet.

Gene Therapy Education Materials for the Sickle Cell Disease Community
In partnership with organizations, physicians, patients, and other experts, the National Human Genome Research Institute developed resources to help people living with SCD and their families learn more about gene therapy for SCD.

Links to Other Websites
Find more information about SCD, including support groups, genetic counseling, and clinical research trials.