What to know
- Resources to inform partners and community members about adolescent health risk behaviors and experiences.
- The YRBSS results toolkit helps in identifying the factors that contribute to the leading causes of illness, death, and disability among young people.

Web and data analysis tools
Web pages
View the most recent YRBSS national, state, and local school district results.
Read top highlights from the 2023 YRBS results.
2023 National and Combined datasets now available in Access and ASCII.
View or download most recent MMWR Supplements, related MMWR publications, and YRBSS reports.
Data analysis tools
This allows users to access Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) data and perform statistical tests. Users can also create customized tables, maps, and graphs.
This provides YRBSS data in pre-created tables and graphs. YRBS Explorer allows users to examine national, state, and local data without conducting analyses.
This tool allows users to run a real-time data analysis that generates frequencies, cross tabulations, and stratified results.
Sample social media posts
- New CDC data: 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey results are now available. #CDCYRBS https://bit.ly/4448MCp
- New CDC data available: See the latest data on health risks and experiences among U.S. high school students. #CDCYRBS https://bit.ly/4448MCp
- DYK?: CDC's 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey results are now available. #CDCYRBS https://bit.ly/4448MCp