Flyers and Posters

These materials can be used year-round. They may be downloaded, copied, and distributed without alteration free of charge.

A limited quantity of pre-printed posters is annually available from CDC-INFO On Demand – Publications. Check for availability, searching for “Immunizations and Vaccines (Childhood).”

Note that commercial printer files are available upon request.*

English Language

Pregnant woman

Protect Your Baby Starting at Her First Breath

8-1/2″ x 11″, color Pdf[1.22 MB, 1 page]

Available on CDC-INFO On Demand
Pub ID: 221899

Pregnant woman talking to mom holding her infant

Whooping Cough Vaccine: Protect Your Baby from the Start

8-1/2″ x 11″, color Pdf[1.27 MB, 1 page]

Available on CDC-INFO On Demand
Pub ID: 221892

How Vaccines Strengthen Your Baby’s Immune System.

How Vaccines Strengthen Your Baby’s Immune System

11″ x 17″ color poster Pdf[1 page]

Available on CDC-INFO On Demand
Pub ID: 300537

Spanish Language

Haz que tu beb%26eacute; nazca protegido contra la tosferina

La vacuna contra la tosferina para proteger a tu bebé desde el inicio.

(Make sure your baby is born with protection against whooping cough.)
8-1/2″ x 11″, color Pdf[1.27 MB, 1 page]

Protecci%26oacute;n contra la tosferina para tu peque%26ntilde;o milagro

Protección contra la tosferina para tu pequeño milagro.

(Mom, you’ll always protect your little miracle.)
8-1/2″ x 11″, color Pdf[1.41 MB, 1 page]

Mi vida...Prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves

Mi vida…Prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.

(My life…I promise to protect you against 14 serious diseases.)

Mi vida...Prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves

Mi vida…Prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.

(My life…I promise to protect you against 14 serious diseases.)

Mi vida (Birthday)

Mi vida… hoy celebramos tu segundo cumpleaños.

(My life…today we celebrate your 2nd birthday.)

Mi Tesoro (Newborn)

Mi Tesoro…prometo protegerte contra 14 enfermedades graves.

(My treasure…I promise to protect you against 14 serious diseases.)

*Upon Request
If you want to reproduce higher quality or large quantities of these pieces, consider using a local commercial printer. We can provide high-resolution, press-ready files. If you need a high-res file, indicate your printer’s specifications in an email request.

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