Mining Project: Coexistence and Safety of Wireless Systems in Mining

Principal Investigator
Start Date 10/1/2022

Research is needed to determine if existing regulations, standards, or guidelines developed for nonmining industrial, commercial, and medical sectors are adequate to ensure coexistence and safety of wireless systems in the mining sector or if mining-specific regulations, standards, or guidelines need to be developed.

Topic Areas

Research Summary


The ability of wireless systems—e.g., voice communication, proximity detection, tele-remote operation, telemetry, etc.—to function satisfactorily (i.e., coexist) in the presence of other wireless systems is critical to the safety and health of mine workers. The failure of wireless systems to coexist could result in the delay, corruption, or outright loss of critical data, voice, or video information, potentially posing risks to miner safety. However, no known mining-sector-specific regulations, standards, or guidelines exist to ensure the safe coexistence of wireless systems.

In collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NIOSH researchers will conduct an extensive review of existing coexistence standards and guidelines as well as a review of wireless systems that are being adopted or could be adopted by the mining industry. From this information, NIST and NIOSH researchers will develop and disseminate specific guidelines and recommendations on identifying key performance metrics to evaluate wireless systems’ ability to coexist and will propose mining-sector-specific methodologies and protocols to test for wireless system coexistence. NIOSH researchers will also develop and disseminate guidelines and recommendations for mine owner/operators to develop and maintain wireless system management plans for mine sites.

Milestones and Accomplishments

Description Audience Year
Produce a publication outlining the applicability of 47 CFR Part 15 to underground mines Wireless technology innovators, mine owner/operators 2024
Produce a publication outlining guidelines on the development and maintenance of wireless system management plans for mine sites Wireless technology innovators, mine owner/operators 2025
Produce a publication outlining identified key performance indicators required to evaluate wireless systems’ ability to coexist Wireless technology innovators, mine owner/operators 2025
Produce a publication proposing mining-sector-specific methodologies and protocols to test for wireless system coexistence Wireless technology innovators, mine owner/operators 2026

Planned Impacts and Outcomes

  • Wireless system technology and equipment manufacturers will adopt NIOSH guidelines and recommendations on identifying key performance metrics to evaluate wireless systems’ ability to coexist.
  • Wireless system technology and equipment manufacturers will adopt NIOSH-recommended methodologies and protocols to test for coexistence.
  • Mine owner/operators will adopt NIOSH guidelines and recommendations to develop and implement wireless system management for surface and underground operations.


Page last reviewed: October 17, 2023
Page last updated: October 17, 2023