About National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory

At a glance

The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) is a NIOSH division. It is charged with advancing the science and effective use of personal protective technologies (PPT). NPPTL supports more than 20 million U.S. workers who rely on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to keep them safe from on-the-job hazards.

Woman in white coat wearing PPE

What we do

NPPTL conducts laboratory and field research, surveillance, standards development, interventions, and conformity assessment activities.

This work includes the Respirator Approval Program as well as post-market evaluations to ensure that respirators continue to meet standards after approval. Specific activities include:

  • Certifying that new respirators meet minimum performance and respiratory protection standards before they enter the market.
  • Developing and implementing science-based national recommendations for respirators and other PPE.
  • Developing new methods to test effectiveness of PPT for workers across industry sectors.
  • Creating guidance and tools to help employers and workers use PPT as effectively and economically as possible.
  • Developing and evaluating innovative PPT designs and test methods to improve comfort, fit (including the assessment of how well a respirator fits) and usability.


In 2025, the division will focus on the following priorities:

  • Optimize the Respirator Approval Program and research activities through innovation and coordination with partners, including standards development organizations.
  • Improve and expand the options for workers to assess proper respirator fit, especially during emergencies. Explore innovative respirator fit solutions, which includes the development of tools that provide wearers with immediate feedback.
  • Enhance user confidence that PPE needed for life-saving protections will perform as claimed and notify occupational communities of any concerns.
  • Continue be a leader of research and standards development efforts for healthcare, fire service, and other high-risk industries. NPPTL participates in international, federal, and consensus PPT standards development activities to facilitate translating research findings and sharing staff expertise.
  • Coordinate stockpiling strategies for Elastomeric Half Mask Respirators for vital worker use, such as healthcare workers, firefighters, and other emergency responders.

Technology & product highlights

NIOSH Healthcare Personal Protective Technology (PPT) Targets for 2020 to 2030 ‎

Based on the Nation's experiences with infectious diseases and non-infectious hazards, NIOSH recognizes a need for additional types of PPT. To assess the best way to apply our unique capabilities related to PPT research and development, performance standards and test methods, and conformity assessment, NPPTL developed the document, NIOSH Healthcare Personal Protective Technology (PPT) Targets for 2020 to 2030 detailing a strategic approach for addressing six broad objectives to help meet the nation's PPT needs.

Other highlights include:

  • NPPTL more than doubled respirator investigations and approval decisions in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. From 2021 through 2023, NPPTL achieved 1,776 respirator approval decisions.
  • In 2023, NPPTL completed 377 quality assurance audits, providing confidence that respirators on the market continue to be effective for their intended purposes.
  • NPPTL provided the scientific basis for the Strategic National Stockpile's release of respirators and surgical gowns that were beyond manufacturer-designated shelf life, providing millions of respirators and gowns to healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • NIOSH launched the Respirator Fit Evaluation Challenge to crowdsource novel technologies and innovative approaches that deliver immediate evaluation and feedback to end users about the fit of filtering facepiece respirators during use. The Challenge was a three-phase competition with the end goal of producing nearly market-ready, user-friendly fit evaluation solutions.

Safety & health research areas

Staff have experience in the following areas:

  • Personal protective technology
  • Post market assessment
  • Healthcare
  • Emergency response
  • Public Safety
  • Mining


Respirator Approval Program

The Respirator Approval Program is responsible for the testing and approval of respirators used in occupational settings. To be approved, a respirator model must meet the minimum performance requirements defined in Title 42, Part 84 of the Code of Federal Regulations (42 CFR 84).

This approval process ensures a minimum level of worker protection from airborne particulates, chemicals, and vapors. The approval process includes a laboratory evaluation of the respirator model, an evaluation of the manufacturer's quality control plan, and audit testing of certified respirators. To facilitate these activities, NPPTL uses Standard Test Procedures.