State-level Estimates of Alcohol Use Among Women – 2019

  • Estimates of alcohol use among women aged 18 to 44 vary from state to state.
  • The maps below show the estimated number of women aged 18 to 44 who reported 1) any alcohol use, 2) having four or more drinks on any one occasion during the past 30 days (binge drinking), and 3) binge drinking among women who reported any alcohol use, in the past 30 days.
  • Data come from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a telephone survey that tracks national and state-specific self-reported health risk behaviors of adults, 18 years and older, in the United States.

*Any Alcohol Use: One or more drinks during the past 30 days

NOTE: In 2019, all 50 states, the District of Columbia (DC), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Guam conducted both household landline telephone and cellular telephone interviews for the BRFSS data collection. New Jersey, however, did not collect enough data to meet the minimum requirements for inclusion in the annual aggregate data set for 2019. The US Virgin Islands did not collect data in 2019.

The prevalence estimates of any alcohol use among women aged 18 to 44 ranged from 30.4% in Utah to 72.7% in the District of Columbia (median: 55.3%).

**Binge Drinking (among women): Four or more drinks on any one occasion during the past 30 days

NOTE: In 2019, all 50 states, the District of Columbia (DC), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Guam conducted both household landline telephone and cellular telephone interviews for the BRFSS data collection. New Jersey, however, did not collect enough data to meet the minimum requirements for inclusion in the annual aggregate data set for 2019. The US Virgin Islands did not collect data in 2019.

The prevalence estimates of binge drinking among women aged 18 to 44 ranged from 10.9% in Utah to 32.3% in the District of Columbia (median: 19.2%).

*Any Alcohol Use: One or more drinks during the past 30 days

**Binge Drinking (among women): Four or more drinks on any one occasion during the past 30 days

NOTE: In 2019, all 50 states, the District of Columbia (DC), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Guam conducted both household landline telephone and cellular telephone interviews for the BRFSS data collection. New Jersey, however, did not collect enough data to meet the minimum requirements for inclusion in the annual aggregate data set for 2019. The US Virgin Islands did not collect data in 2019.

The estimated prevalence of binge drinking among women aged 18 to 44 who reported any alcohol use ranged from 25.3% in Mississippi to 44.6% in the District of Columbia (median: 35.6%). Among states with lower prevalence estimates of any alcohol use among women aged 18 to 44, some have higher percentages of binge drinking than others.

NOTE: This map does not represent the level of overall alcohol usage or binge drinking. Instead, it represents the level of binge drinking ONLY AMONG women who drink any alcohol.