Protect All Your Patients from HPV Cancers

Protect All Your Patients from HPV Cancers

HPV vaccine is cancer prevention. Recommend HPV vaccine the same way and same day you recommend other vaccines at ages 11-12.

female doctor with mom and daughter

Address parents’ questions to make them feel comfortable in their decision to vaccinate.

female doctor giving a boy a shot

Increase your vaccination rates with practical and proven strategies.

pensive girl on father’s shoulder

HPV causes six types of cancer. Vaccination could prevent more than 90% of these cancers—31,200 cases every year.

Get Tips from Peers

How I Recommend Video Series

The #HowIRecommend videos highlight healthcare professionals explaining how they achieve high HPV vaccination rates and address parents’ questions.

Get CE Credit
Team of doctors walking and talking in a hospital corridor.

Continuing Education: Routinely Recommending Cancer Prevention

In this web-on-demand video, healthcare professionals discuss how they make HPV vaccine recommendations and answer parents’ questions.

Share Educational Materials
Doctor talking to family

Materials for Parents

Help parents understand the importance of vaccination and reinforce your recommendation.

Three doctors reviewing a chart

Materials for Office Staff

Ensure a consistent message to parents about the importance of HPV vaccination.

For more information about HPV vaccine, please visit CDC’s HPV site for clinicians.