The purpose of this system (GISVaxView Interactive!) is to provide jurisdictions and other partners geospatial data and tools to inform planning, implementation, and evaluation of vaccine activities and outcomes. The system allows visitors to better understand the local-level indicators that contribute to vaccine confidence and coverage, visualize data for populations at increased risk, identify community resources and barriers, and connect community stakeholders. This system was designed based on feedback from CDC stakeholders along with health planners and data analysts from several local health departments.
The Vaccine Activity Planner application includes COVID-19, Flu, and RSV vaccination data for adults from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM) and is built upon CDC's COVID-19 Vaccination Mapping Tool which was discontinued in April 2024. This complements CDC's respiratory virus season weekly vaccination dashboards RespVaxView.
Recent enhancements include 1) addition of NIS data for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam, 2) updating Social Vulnerability Index and Census Tribal Tracts data updated from 2020 to 2022, 3) addition of feature to zoom to state, county, and city, and 4) addition of advanced data query function. As of December 2024, updates in progress include COVID-19, Flu, and RSV vaccination data from NIS for children and adolescents and data for all three vaccines from jurisdictions' Immunization Information Systems. Feedback and partners' needs will inform addition of other data sources and additional GIS applications. Your input and feedback for how to make this more useful are welcome – please email us.
Data Notes Overview
The data layers featured in this application are open-source from CDC and other organizations listed below. CDC does not guarantee the accuracy of data from non-CDC organizations. Please refer to each organization’s website or the data source website for the methodology and limitations of each data layer. Links will be reviewed periodically and updated, as needed.
Note: The current GISVaxView 'Prior Vaccines.gov Providers' data layer was sourced from Vaccines.gov when it included information about COVID-19 vaccine providers and Bridge Access Program providers.
Due to Vaccines.gov updates as of August 2024, this provider layer in GISVaxView is currently not being updated. Therefore, some information may not be current.
Please see the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy's release of a map for the public to find nearby pharmacies that offer vaccinations and a map for healthcare professionals and public health planners to identify areas where pharmacists can be partners in expanding immunization efforts.
Data Layer Information by Topics
- Weekly COVID-19 Vaccine State Level Uptake and Intent (CDC, NIS-ACM)
- Weekly Flu Vaccine State Level Uptake and Intent (CDC, NIS-ACM)
- Weekly RSV Vaccine State Level Uptake and Intent (CDC, NIS-ACM)
- Cancer Prevalence by Census Tract (CDC PLACES)
- COPD Prevalence by Census Tract (CDC PLACES)
- Health Insurance Coverage by Tract (Census ACS)
- Obesity Prevalence by Census Tract (CDC PLACES)
- Educational Attainment by Tract (Census ACS)
- Federal Poverty Status by Tract (Census ACS)
- Internet Connectivity by Tract (Census ACS)
- Median Household Income by Tract (Census ACS)
- School Enrollment by Tract (Census ACS)
- Social Vulnerability Index by Tracts (CDC/ATSDR)
- Social Vulnerability Index – Socioeconomic Theme by Tracts (CDC/ATSDR)
- Unemployment by County, Monthly (BLS)
- Children with Grandparent Householder by Tract (Census ACS)
- Dependent Population by Tract (Census ACS)
- Disability by Type by Tract (Census ACS)
- Household Size by Tract (Census ACS)
- Living Arrangements by Tract (Census ACS)
- Mothers of Children Under 17 by PUMAs (Census-ACS-PUMS)
- Multigenerational Households by PUMAs (Census – ACS-PUMS)
- Social Vulnerability Index – Household Composition/Disability Theme by Tracts (CDC/ATSDR)
- English Ability and Linguistic Isolation by Tract (Census ACS)
- Language Spoken at Home by Tract (Census ACS)
- Nativity and Citizenship by Tract (Census ACS)
- Place of Birth by Tract (Census ACS)
- Race and Hispanic Origin by Tract (Census ACS)
- Social Vulnerability Index – Minority/Language Theme by Tracts (CDC/ATSDR)
Other VaxView Vaccination Coverage Websites
The VaxView websites provide vaccination coverage data for all ages. Monitoring coverage for recommended vaccinations across the country helps CDC assess how well local areas, states, and the nation are protected from vaccine-preventable diseases.
Find additional vaccination coverage data on the VaxView Vaccination Coverage main page.