Giardia Infection: Data and Publications

At a glance

CDC collects and publishes data about illnesses and outbreaks caused by Giardia. This information helps public health officials better understand how Giardia spreads and prevent future illnesses.

Magnifying glass and pen on top of data charts


Reporting cases of illness

Giardiasis (illness caused by Giardia) is a nationally notifiable disease. This means that healthcare providers and laboratories that diagnose laboratory-confirmed giardiasis are required to report those cases to their health department. Health departments then voluntarily report these cases of illness to CDC's National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS).

Reporting outbreaks

State health departments voluntarily report outbreaks of giardiasis affecting multiple people to CDC. Health departments can report giardiasis outbreaks spread through water, food, or from person to person to CDC's National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS).

Reporting helps prevent disease‎

It is important for healthcare providers to report cases and outbreaks to their health department, and for health departments to report to CDC. Reporting helps public health officials take steps to stop Giardia from spreading to more people.