Measuring Emotional Well-Being

At a glance

CDC uses different surveys to look at health and well-being in the United States.

Illustration of man filling out a happiness survey by checking a happy face box and not an indifferent or frowning face

What CDC is Doing

CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System collects data from U.S. adults on how many days their mental or physical health were not good in the past month.

This information can help guide decision-making and development activities, programs, and policies designed to improve population health.

Additional Surveys

Other surveys that can help track well-being in different groups of people include:

Having data from different surveys can show the well-being of a community or population. This allows CDC to see the impact of policies and programs.

More information

For more on what the U.S. government is doing to protect our nation’s mental health and well-being, visit Protecting the Nation's Mental Health | Mental Health | CDC.

For general information about how well-being has been measured and tracked, and applications for public health practice, visit Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) | CDC.