What to know
The Achieving a State of Healthy Weight report and supplemental tables describe how well licensing regulations for early care and education programs include high-impact obesity prevention standards. The report can help states and communities strengthen policies and practices in child care programs.

Each year, the University of Colorado, in collaboration with CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, collects, analyzes, and rates child care licensing regulations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The Achieving a State of Healthy Weight (ASHW) report and supplemental tables describe how well licensing regulations for early care and education (ECE) programs include high-impact obesity prevention standards (HIOPS).
How to use the reports
Use the ASHW reports and supplemental tables to:
- Determine how state regulations support HIOPS in licensed child care programs.
- Highlight state successes.
- Identify opportunities for child care regulations to improve support of obesity prevention in young children.
See the most recent national report and supplemental tables for different types of ECE programs including child care centers and family child care homes.