Other Eye Disorders – Strabismus and Amblyopia

Diagnosed Prevalence

VEHSS identifies the annual prevalence of diagnosed Strabismus and Amblyopia based on the presence of International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 and ICD-10 codes in patient claims or electronic health record (EHR) systems. Patients with one or more diagnosis codes associated with a VEHSS subgroup are assigned to that subgroup. Diagnosis codes may be primary or secondary. Only one instance of a diagnosis code is required for assignment to the subgroup. Note that diagnosis codes in claims data are intended for billing purposes. Codes may not be present in cases where diagnosis codes are not required to justify payment. Diagnosed prevalence will also not identify any undiagnosed conditions, will not include patients not covered by the insurer, and will not identify prevalence among patients without a visit in the calendar year of data.

Diagnosed strabismus and amblyopia includes a patient having one or more diagnosis codes indicating one or more of the subgroups listed below.

Diagnosed Other Visual Disturbances
Subgroups Indicated conditions
Strabismus and amblyopia, any stage Category total – includes any clinical stage below
Amblyopia Amblyopia includes diagnosis codes indicating amblyopia, including deprivation, strabismic, refractive, or unspecified amblyopia type, or ablyopia suspect.
Strabismus and amblyopia Strabismus and amblyopia include diagnosis codes indicating strabismus or amblyopia.

Full list of ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes [PDF – 2.1 MB].

Explore Data in the VEHSS Application

The data sources available for this category include Medicare (default), IRIS Registry, Medicaid, Managed Vision Care, and MarketScan commercial insurance claims. See data source documentation.