Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2021

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Table 27. Tuberculosis Cases and Incidence Rates per 100,000 Population by Origin of Birth,1 Sex, and Age Group: United States, 2021

See Surveillance Slide #36

Tuberculosis cases and incidence rates by origin of birth, sex and age group.
Age group Total cases Total U.S.-born2 Non-U.S.–born2
Male Female Male Female Male Female
No. (%) Rate No. (%) Rate No. (%) Rate No. (%) Rate No. (%) Rate No. (%) Rate
0–4 160 84 (52.5) 0.9 76 (47.5) 0.8 81 (52.9) 0.8 72 (47.1) 0.8 3 (42.9) 2.9 4 (57.1) 3.5
5–14 157 72 (45.9) 0.3 85 (54.1) 0.4 55 (53.9) 0.3 47 (46.1) 0.2 17 (30.9) 2.3 38 (69.1) 4.2
15–24 675 360 (53.3) 1.7 314 (46.5) 1.5 118 (50.4) 0.6 116 (49.6) 0.6 242 (54.9) 14.6 198 (44.9) 13.6
25–44 2,266 1,330 (58.7) 3.1 934 (41.2) 2.1 325 (59.6) 0.9 220 (40.4) 0.6 1,003 (58.4) 12.5 713 (41.5) 8.7
45–64 2,409 1,564 (64.9) 4.0 845 (35.1) 2.0 456 (68.1) 1.4 214 (31.9) 0.6 1,094 (63.6) 13.9 626 (36.4) 7.5
≥65 2,215 1,417 (64.0) 5.6 798 (36.0) 2.6 357 (68.8) 1.6 162 (31.2) 0.6 1,053 (62.5) 31.4 632 (37.5) 15.0

1Persons born in the United States, certain U.S. territories, or elsewhere to at least one U.S. citizen parent are categorized as U.S.-born. All other persons are categorized as non-U.S.–born.
2Origin of birth was unknown for 33 persons.

Note: Incidence rates were created using Current Population Survey (CPS) Basic Monthly data set, obtained from The CPS does not include institutionalized persons.