Reported Tuberculosis in the United States, 2021

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Table 12. 5-Year Tuberculosis Incidence Rates per 100,000 Population in the United States by Country of Birth,1 2017–2021

See Surveillance Slide #15.

Five-year tuberculosis incidence rates by country of birth.
Country of birth Average annual number of cases Population estimate2 U.S. rate by country of birth
Republic of the Marshall Islands 47 27,956 169.6
Republic of the Congo 35 34,268 101.0
Mongolia 9 12,217 76.9
Bhutan 38 54,079 70.3
Myanmar 105 149,771 70.0
Somalia 70 100,592 69.6
Nepal 91 150,062 60.8
Federated States of Micronesia 20 34,161 58.5
Guinea 9 18,191 50.6
Ethiopia 134 284,094 47.3

1The ten countries with the greatest 5-year incidence rates are shown in the table.
2Population estimates were obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data, 2016–2020 multiyear file: At the time of this report, the 2017–2021 had not been published yet.

Note: Data for all years are updated through July 8, 2022.