Data Modernization Initiative

Data saves lives. Better data saves more lives.

Together, we are focused on the data, people, policies we need to move the country forward
“Data is the oxygen that powers our ability to detect and respond to threats to health and we are at a pivotal moment in the modernization of the public health data infrastructure.”

Dr. Mandy Cohen, CDC Director

The ultimate goal of CDC’s Data Modernization Initiative (DMI) is to get better, faster, actionable insights for decision-making at all levels of public health.

Our vision is to create one public health community that can engage robustly with healthcare, communicate meaningfully with the public, improve health equity, and have the means to protect and promote health.

What is the Data Modernization Initiative (DMI)?

DMI is a multi-year, multi-billion-dollar effort to modernize data across the federal and state public health landscape.

2022 DMI Snapshot: Transforming Data to Protect Health; Data, People, Processes

Read our 2022 Snapshot to explore our progress

DMI Community

DMI is the first-ever unified approach for modernizing public health, and this unity is essential.

Data modernization has given us the chance to connect in different and better ways than before. We’re gaining insight through the Consortium for Data Modernization, as well as taking action in partnership with federal agencies, national organizations, and state, tribal, local and territorial health departments.

DMI Priorities

DMI lays out five key priorities that will strengthen and unify critical public health data across our nation to better serve the American people.

DMI 5 priorities

Modernization in Action

CDC and our partners are strengthening public health to protect our nation from known and unforeseen threats.

man holding a globe's hologram

Read our stories of surveillance and data in action to learn more about our innovative work, programs, collaborations, and people driving surveillance and data at CDC … and beyond.

Strategy, Policy, and Budget

Public health relies on the right policies, strategies, and investments to get data where it needs to go to protect health.

Learn More About DMI

Stories, Publications, and Resources

We encourage everyone to learn more and join the DMI conversation.

Forecasting and Analytics

Data modernization is critical to the work of the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analysis (CFA).