What to know
The following is a list of suggested trainings. This list is not exhaustive, and trainings may vary by staff role. Please contact your CDC program consultant for assistance finding trainings relevant to your program.
Relevant training topics
Some examples of relevant training topics include:
- Appropriate and effective questions to use when attempting to elicit partner information for online partners.
- Acceptable content and wording of IPS profiles.
- Use of approved, standardized online correspondences and guidance for instances that require variation from the script.
- Reviewing case scenarios and best practices from other programs or health jurisdictions that have successfully implemented IPS.
- Data collection and entry.
- Basics of the internet: internet service providers (ISP), websites, chat rooms, instant messaging (IM) services, mobile apps, texting, terminology, and iconography.
- Cultural competency, including who, why, when, and how the internet is used for sex-seeking; terminology; etiquette; and navigation.
- Internet safety and the various levels of confidentiality associated with different methods of online communication.
- Hands-on website experience.
Training websites
Some websites that offer training include:
- CDC Train: https://www.train.org/cdctrain/home
- Public Health Foundation: http://www.phf.org/Pages/default.aspx
- Passport to Partner Services: https://www.train.org/cdctrain/training_plan/4299
- CBA Tracking System: https://wwwn.cdc.gov/CTS/CTSMVC/Account/Login?returnUrl=%2FCTS%2FCTSMVC%2FHome%2FIndex
- CDC Learning Connection: https://www.cdc.gov/learning/index.html?s_cid=cdclc-cda
- NPIN STD Prevention Training: https://npin.cdc.gov/training/std/stds?f%5B0%5D=im_field_training_type%3A8486
- STD Program Evaluation Tools and Trainings: http://www.ncsddc.org/resource/std-program-evaluation-tools-trainings/
- National Network of Disease Intervention Training Centers (NNDITC): https://nationalditc.org