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NOHSS Child Indicators – 2004

Methods for State Oral Health Surveys that began data collection in 2004

Updated January 21, 2015


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of on-site elementary schools with a kindergarten and/or 3rd grade enrollment of 10 or more (correspondence and distance education schools were not included in the sampling frame). With implicit stratification by BRFSS region and percent of students eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program, 50 schools were randomly selected and agreed to participate. Fifteen dentists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 68% responded. The data were self-weighting and the estimates presented are not adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame was all California public schools with kindergarten and/or 3rd grade children. A stratified probability proportional to size sampling scheme was employed with implicit stratification on region and population area type. For all areas except the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), volunteer dentists and dental hygienists, who attended a calibration training, completed the examinations. For schools in the LAUSD, school nurses who attended a special calibration training completed the examinations. The diagnostic protocols outlined in ASTDD’s Basic Screening Survey were used. Of the students selected, 55% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 64% while 57% of elementary school students in the state were eligible for FRL. The data were adjusted for the sampling scheme and nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with a 3rd grade enrollment of 25 or more. With implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program (FRL), 57 schools were randomly selected and all agreed to participate. Trained dentists and hygienists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 51% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 52% while 51% of elementary school students in the sampling frame were eligible for FRL. The data were self-weighting and the estimates are presented unadjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse plus the gender and racial distribution of Georgia’s children.


The survey was conducted during the 2004-2005 school year. The sample design for this survey used a probability-proportional-to-size (PPS) selection of public and charter schools with a grade enrollment of 22 or more. The 3rd grade sample was stratified by health district (7 health districts in Idaho) while the kindergarten sample was not. Schools that refused to participate were replaced with the closest school in size within the sampling strata. The examinations were completed by health district hygienists using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. In the state, 42% of elementary school students were eligible for the free/reduced lunch program (FRL); 54% of the students in the participating 3rd grade schools were eligible while 44% of the students in the participating kindergarten schools were eligible. The response rates were 75% for kindergarten and 83% for 3rd grade. The data were weighted to account for the survey design. The estimates are presented adjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was conducted during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of public elementary schools with 3rd grade. A random sample of 29 schools was selected and all 29 agreed to participate. The screenings were completed by 25 dental hygienists using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 66% responded. The percentage of children in the sample eligible for FRL was 27% while 35% of students in the state were eligible for FRL. The estimates were not adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all 448 public elementary schools in Mississippi with 3rd grade enrollment. With implicit stratification by health district region and percent of students eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program (FRL), 48 schools were randomly selected. Trained dentists and hygienists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 62% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 70%, identical to the percentage of children eligible for FRL in the sampling frame. The data were self-weighting and the estimates are presented adjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with a 3rd grade enrollment of 10 or more. With implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program (FRL), 121 schools were randomly selected and 113 schools agreed to participate. Health district dental staff completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 49% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 45% while 46% of elementary school students in the state were eligible for FRL. The data were self-weighting and the estimates are presented adjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with a 3rd grade enrollment of 5 or more. With implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program (FRL), 61 schools were randomly selected and 55 schools agreed to participate. Dentists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 92% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 34%, the same as the percentage of elementary school students in the state eligible for FRL. The data were self-weighting and the estimates are presented adjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse.

North Dakota

The survey was conducted during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public, private and Bureau of Indian Affairs elementary schools with a K-3rd grade enrollment of 20 or more. With implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced price school lunch program (FRL), 53 schools were randomly selected and 50 schools agreed to participate. The state’s Oral Health Regional Dental Hygienist Consultants completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 73% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 31% while 29% of elementary school students in the state were eligible for FRL. The data were self-weighting and the estimates are not adjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools that participate in the free and reduced price lunch (FRL) program and had 25 or more students enrolled in 3rd grade. Using stratified cluster and probability proportional to size sampling, 377 schools were selected and 374 agreed to participate. Eleven trained dentists and hygienists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 53% responded. In the state, 33% of public elementary school students participate in the free/reduced lunch program (FRL) while 38% of the students participating in the survey were eligible for FRL. The data were weighted to account for the survey design and are presented adjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse.


The survey was completed during the 2004-2005 school year. The sampling frame consisted of all public elementary schools with a 2nd and/or 3rd grade enrollment of 25 or more. With implicit stratification by percent of students eligible for the free/reduced school lunch program (FRL), 67 schools were randomly selected and 66 schools agreed to participate. Trained dentists and hygienists completed the screenings using diagnostic criteria comparable to ASTDD’s 1999 Basic Screening Survey. Of the students selected, 79% responded. The percentage of children in the participating schools eligible for FRL was 38% while 40% of elementary school students in the sampling frame were eligible for FRL. The data were self-weighting and the estimates are presented adjusted and unadjusted for nonresponse.

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