- Access tools and data visualizations related to worker health and safety surveillance data.
- Access other external worker health and safety surveillance data sources.

Workforce data by industry
U.S. Workforce by NORA Industry Sectors (CPS)
Number of US workers by NORA industry sectors for Year 2007 - 2021 based on the Current Population S...
Fatal Injuries by NORA Industry Sectors (CFOI)
Fatal Injuries Data by NORA Industry Sectors for Years 2007-2020 from Census of Fatal Occupational I...
Non-fatal Injuries and Illness by NORA Industry Sectors (SOII)
Number of Nonfatal Injuries and Illnesses by NORA industry sectors for Year 2007-2020 from Survey of...
Tools and data visualization
Cancer data and statistics tools
Tools and databases that use U.S. Cancer Statistics.
Trends in Workplace Lead Exposure
Assess lead exposure using data from the Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES) prog...
Content Source:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health