Mining Publication: Best Practices for Annual Hearing Tests

Original creation date: November 2019

Authors: A Azman, J Schall

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article - November 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20057974

Coal Age 2019 Nov; 124(9):32-33

Annual hearing tests are required under the Occupational, Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations as part of any hearing conservation program. Usually, these tests are provided, a comparison is made to the baseline test, then the records are marked as complete until the next year. However, conducting the hearing tests without considering certain factors can lead to unexpected and distressing results. Avoiding four common pitfalls will help companies follow best practices for annual audiometry testing.

First page of Best Practices for Annual Hearing Tests
Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article - November 2019

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20057974

Coal Age 2019 Nov; 124(9):32-33

Page last reviewed: December 18, 2019
Page last updated: December 18, 2019