Mining Publication: Assessment of Engineering Noise Controls at a Talc Processing Plant

Original creation date: April 2009

Authors: ER Spencer, ER Reeves

Peer Reviewed Journal Article - April 2009

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20035221

Min Eng 2009 Apr; 61(4):70-76

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) researchers conducted an investigation to quantify sound levels and to determine the amount of sound reduction provided by engineering noise controls installed in a talc processing plant. Baseline sound level and sound intensity measurements were performed at the plant, and the measurement locations were recorded for comparison to post-control measurements. Follow-up measurements were then made at the same locations after the initial noise controls were installed. The plant subsequently decided to implement additional noise controls and the researchers returned to conduct measurements for a final analysis of all noise controls. The most significant results showed a sound level reduction in the main mill area from a range of 93 to 104 dB(A) down to a range of 90 to 94 dB(A) and a total sound power level reduction of 21 dB(A) for air classifying Mill 3.

Image of publication Assessment of Engineering Noise Controls at a Talc Processing Plant
Peer Reviewed Journal Article - April 2009

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20035221

Min Eng 2009 Apr; 61(4):70-76

Page last reviewed: June 21, 2016
Page last updated: September 21, 2012