NIOSH logo and tagline

Medical Services and First Aid


October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101
School Checklists logo

Self-Inspection Checklist

Optional Information
Optional Information
Name of school:
Date of inspection:
Career-Technical program/course/room:
Signature of inspector:


Guidelines: This checklist covers the regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under the general industry standard subpart K: 29 CFR 1910.151. These regulations apply only to private employers and their employees, unless adopted by a State agency and applied to other groups such as public employees. Reference is also made to the OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030, Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, since employees responding to medical emergencies must use universal precautions.

Medical services and first aid at construction sites covered by the OSHA construction standard 29 CFR 1926.50 are not addressed as part of this checklist. See the checklist for General Safety and Health Provisions for Construction.

Please Circle
  1. Are medical personnel readily available for advice and
    consultation on work related health issues?
    [29 CFR 1910.151(a)]
Y N N/A ??
  1. If a hospital, clinic or infirmary is not proximate to areas
    where employees are located, is at least one person
    available who is adequately trained to render first aid?
    [29 CFR 1910.151(b)]
Y N N/A ??
  1. Are adequate first aid supplies readily available?
    [29 CFR 1910.151(b)]
Y N N/A ??
  1. Are suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the
    eyes and body available in work areas where the eyes or
    body may be exposed to corrosive materials?
    [29 CFR 1910.151(c)]
Y N N/A ??
  1. Do all employees handling blood and body fluids in an
    emergency follow universal precautions?
    [29 CFR 1910.1030]
Y N N/A ??


Comments/Corrective action:


green line