Become a Disability A.L.L.Y. in Your Community and Promote Inclusion for All

Illustration of a Black person in a wheel chair, a White person, a vision-impaired Asian person with a walking stick, and a Black person with a prosthetic leg.  CDC logo


  • A – Acknowledge and respect individual experiences and abilities.
  • L – Learn about different disability types.
  • L – Leverage your influence to promote accessibility and inclusion.
  • Y – Yield the floor to people with disabilities to help identify and eliminate barriers.

Disability affects nearly 1 in 4 (26%) adults in the United States. Including people with disabilities in everyday activities and creating accessible environments and equitable opportunities that support them in holding roles similar to their peers who do not have a disability is disability inclusion. This involves more than simply encouraging people to participate in activities; it requires making sure that adequate policies, accessible programs, and inclusive practices are in effect in a community or organization. Disability inclusion means understanding the relationship between the way people function, how they can participate in society, and making sure everybody has the same opportunities to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities and desires. Disability inclusion entails identifying barriers that potentially impact people with disabilities to independently live and be fully engaged in their communities. Every community member can make a difference and play a part in addressing those barriers. For example, healthcare professionals and administrators can create more inclusive health care for patients with disabilities. Take steps to learn how you can increase disability inclusion and accessibility for all to improve the health, well-being, and participation of people with disabilities in your community.

“Health equity means optimal health and well-being for all people. Each of us has a role to play in promoting health and achieving health equity for people with disabilities. Please join us and become an ALLY.”

Dr. Karen Remley, CDC’s Director for the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities

Help us spread the word through social media, blogs, podcasts, and more!

Join CDC in promoting disability inclusion and accessibility for all by sharing resources and information on your social media channels, blogs, podcasts, and more. Use the resources posted online, share the sample social media posts below, and/or contact CDC to interview a subject matter expert.

The following social media posts are examples you can use as-is or modify to align with your organization’s mission or preferences. Please use #DisabilityALLY, #Diversability, and/or #Inclusion4Health in your social media posts. Remember to follow @CDC_NCBDDD on Twitter for more messages to retweet. Check out CDC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for additional messages to share.

Sample Social Media Posts and Buttons



Acknowledge and respect individual experiences and abilities.
Learn about different disability types.
Leverage your influence to promote accessibility and inclusion.
Yield the floor to people with disabilities to help identify and eliminate barriers.


Illustration of a Black person in a wheel chair, a White person, a vision-impaired Asian person with a walking stick, and a Black person with a prosthetic leg.  CDC logo

Is your medical practice inclusive for all patients? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a two-level check-in counter at a doctor's office to allow people in wheelchairs to access the countertop. A Black woman is behind the desk signing in a White patient in a wheelchair.  CDC logo

Is your medical practice inclusive for all patients? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a medical exam room with a Black female doctor handing a clipboard with paperwork in braille to a White, vision-impaired male patient who is sitting on the exam table.  CDC logo

Is your local playground inclusive for all? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a playground with various equipment that is accessible for all, and several people and children enjoying the space. The graphic shows two dads having a picnic with their daughter, a boy in a wheelchair playing at a sensory station, two women walking a dog, children swinging, a woman working on her laptop on a bench, a father with his child on his shoulders, a mother catching her child coming down the slide, and a mother taking her two daughters to a soccer game, one daughter has a prosthetic leg. CDC logo

“Health equity means optimal health and well-being for all people. Each of us has a role to play in promoting health and achieving health equity for people with disabilities. Please join us and become an ALLY.”

-Dr. Karen Remley, CDC’s Director for the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities


Graphic of Dr. Remley's quote with her picture.



Acknowledge and respect individual experiences and abilities.
Learn about different disability types.
Leverage your influence to promote accessibility and inclusion.
Yield the floor to people with disabilities to help identify and eliminate barriers.


Illustration of a Black person in a wheel chair, a White person, a vision-impaired Asian person with a walking stick, and a Black person with a prosthetic leg.  CDC logo

Is your medical practice inclusive for all patients? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a two-level check-in counter at a doctor's office to allow people in wheelchairs to access the countertop. A Black woman is behind the desk signing in a White patient in a wheelchair.  CDC logo

Is your medical practice inclusive for all patients? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a medical exam room with a Black female doctor handing a clipboard with paperwork in braille to a White, vision-impaired male patient who is sitting on the exam table.  CDC logo

Is your local playground inclusive for all? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a playground with various equipment that is accessible for all, and several people and children enjoying the space. The graphic shows two dads having a picnic with their daughter, a boy in a wheelchair playing at a sensory station, two women walking a dog, children swinging, a woman working on her laptop on a bench, a father with his child on his shoulders, a mother catching her child coming down the slide, and a mother taking her two daughters to a soccer game, one daughter has a prosthetic leg. CDC logo

“Health equity means optimal health and well-being for all people. Each of us has a role to play in promoting health and achieving health equity for people with disabilities. Please join us and become an ALLY.”

-Dr. Karen Remley, CDC’s Director for the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities


Graphic of Dr. Remley's quote with her picture.
Illustration of a two-level check-in counter at a doctor's office to allow people in wheelchairs to access the countertop. A Black woman is behind the desk signing in a White patient in a wheelchair.  CDC logo

Add hashtags:

Tag @CDCgov

Add a Swipe-up link, if feasible:

Illustration of a medical exam room with a Black female doctor handing a clipboard with paperwork in braille to a White, vision-impaired male patient who is sitting on the exam table.  CDC logo

Add hashtags:

Tag @CDCgov

Add a Swipe-up link, if feasible:

Illustration of a playground with various equipment that is accessible for all, and several people and children enjoying the space. The graphic shows two dads having a picnic with their daughter, a boy in a wheelchair playing at a sensory station, two women walking a dog, and a mother catching her child coming down the slide.  CDC logo

Add hashtags:

Tag @CDCgov

Add a Swipe-up link, if feasible:

Illustration of a playground with various equipment that is accessible for all, and several people and children enjoying the space. The graphic shows children swinging, a woman working on her laptop on a bench, a father with his child on his shoulders, and a mother taking her two daughters to a soccer game, one daughter has a prosthetic leg. CDC logo

Add hashtags:

Tag @CDCgov

Add a Swipe-up link, if feasible:



Acknowledge and respect individual experiences and abilities.
Learn about different disability types.
Leverage your influence to promote accessibility and inclusion.
Yield the floor to people with disabilities to help identify and eliminate barriers.


Illustration of a Black person in a wheel chair, a White person, a vision-impaired Asian person with a walking stick, and a Black person with a prosthetic leg.  CDC logo

Is your medical practice inclusive for all patients? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a two-level check-in counter at a doctor's office to allow people in wheelchairs to access the countertop. A Black woman is behind the desk signing in a White patient in a wheelchair.  CDC logo

Is your medical practice inclusive for all patients? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a medical exam room with a Black female doctor handing a clipboard with paperwork in braille to a White, vision-impaired male patient who is sitting on the exam table.  CDC logo

Is your local playground inclusive for all? We all have a role to play in creating more inclusive communities for people with disabilities.


Illustration of a playground with various equipment that is accessible for all, and several people and children enjoying the space. The graphic shows two dads having a picnic with their daughter, a boy in a wheelchair playing at a sensory station, two women walking a dog, children swinging, a woman working on her laptop on a bench, a father with his child on his shoulders, a mother catching her child coming down the slide, and a mother taking her two daughters to a soccer game, one daughter has a prosthetic leg. CDC logo

“Health equity means optimal health and well-being for all people. Each of us has a role to play in promoting health and achieving health equity for people with disabilities. Please join us and become an ALLY.”

-Dr. Karen Remley, CDC’s Director for the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities


Graphic of Dr. Remley's quote with her picture.

Add these buttons to your website, email signature, or newsletters!

Let your networks know you’re a Disability A.L.L.Y. by displaying the buttons below! Whether you add them to your website or email signature or include them in your distribution materials, these buttons let others know you’re committed to health equity and inclusion.


Accompanying Text

I'm a Disability A.L.L.Y.

Be an A.L.L.Y.

*Acknowledge and respect individual experiences and abilities.

*Learn about different disability types.

*Leverage your influence to promote accessibility and inclusion.

*Yield the floor to people with disabilities to help identify and eliminate barriers.

Ask me how to be a Disability A.L.L.Y.

Be a Disability A.L.L.Y. and promote inclusion for all.

* Acknowledge * Learn * Leverage * Yield *