Viral and Vaccination History

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Male Registry participants with hemophilia A or B born in 1985 or later were much less likely to have a history of HBV, HCV, or HIV infection compared to males born before 1985 (Table 6).

Table 6. Overview of HBV, HCV, and HIV viral and vaccination status among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by year of birth
Table 6. Overview of HBV, HCV, and HIV viral and vaccination status among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by year of birth
Hemophilia A Hemophilia B
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
n % n % n % n %
History of HBV
Yes 368 17.4% 65 1.3% 144 21.6% 19 1.5%
No 1,507 71.5% 4,709 91.1% 444 66.6% 1,107 90.0%
Unknown 234 11.1% 393 7.6% 79 11.8% 104 8.5%
History of HCV
Yes 1,544 73.2% 143 2.8% 396 59.4% 47 3.8%
No 527 25.0% 4,697 90.9% 249 37.3% 1,087 88.4%
Unknown 38 1.8% 327 6.3% 22 3.3% 96 7.8%
History of HIV
Yes 523 24.8% 16 0.3% 76 11.4% * *
No 1,530 72.5% 4,808 93.1% 559 83.8% 1,124 91.4%
Unknown 56 2.7% 343 6.6% 32 4.8% * *

Due to rounding, percentages may not add up to exactly 100%
* Counts less than six have been suppressed to protect patient confidentiality

Viral Status and Severity

Among male Registry participants with hemophilia A who were born before 1985, 23% of those categorized as severe had a history of HBV, compared to 16% of those categorized as moderate and 9% of those categorized as mild. Regardless of severity, few hemophilia A participants born in 1985 or later had a history of HBV (Figure 11).

Among male Registry participants with hemophilia B born before 1985, 34% of those categorized as severe had a history of HBV, compared to 19% of participants categorized as moderate and 9% categorized as mild (Figure 12).

Figure 11. History of HBV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Figure 11. History of HBV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Figure 11. History of HBV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Mild Moderate Severe
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 57 8.9% 14 1.4% 65 16.4% 8 0.9% 242 23.0% 43 1.3%
No 516 80.4% 912 88.5% 287 72.5% 798 92.1% 687 65.4% 2,980 91.8%
Unknown 69 10.7% 105 10.2% 44 11.1% 60 6.9% 121 11.5% 223 6.9%
Figure 12: History of HBV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Figure 12: History of HBV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Figure 12: History of HBV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Mild Moderate Severe
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 16 9.2% * * 48 18.5% 9 2.0% 77 34.2% 8 1.6%
No 137 78.7% 231 89.2% 175 67.6% 410 90.5% 127 56.4% 464 89.9%
Unknown 21 12.1% * * 36 13.9% 34 7.5% 21 9.3% 44 8.5%

* Counts less than six have been suppressed to protect patient confidentiality

Among male Registry participants with hemophilia A or B born before 1985, history of HCV increased with severity. Eighty-nine percent of males born before 1985 with severe hemophilia A and 89% with severe hemophilia B had a history of HCV. Seventy-two percent with moderate hemophilia A, 53% with moderate hemophilia B, 49% with mild hemophilia A, and 31% with mild hemophilia B had a history of HCV. (Figures 13 and 14).

Figure 13. History of HCV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth.
Figure 13. History of HCV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Figure 13. History of HCV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Mild Moderate Severe
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 315 49.1% * * 283 71.5% 14 1.6% 933 88.9% 123 3.8%
No 298 46.4% 930 90.2% 108 27.3% 803 92.7% * * 2946 90.8%
Unknown 29 4.5% * * 5 1.3% 49 5.7% * * 177 5.5%

* Counts less than six have been suppressed to protect patient confidentiality

Figure 14: History of HCV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Figure 14: History of HCV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Figure 14: History of HCV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Mild Moderate Severe
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 53 30.5% * * 137 52.9% 10 2.2% 200 88.9% 36 7.0%
No 107 61.5% 233 90.0% 115 44.4% 407 89.8% 24 10.7% 445 86.2%
Unknown 14 8.0% * * 7 2.7% 36 7.9% * * 35 6.8%

* Counts less than six have been suppressed to protect patient confidentiality

Among male Registry participants with hemophilia A or B born before 1985, those categorized as severe were more likely to have a history of HIV. Among male Registry participants born before 1985 with severe hemophilia A or severe hemophilia B, 40% and 24%, respectively, had a history of HIV. Among male Registry participants, a history of HIV was present in 18% with moderate hemophilia A, 4% with moderate hemophilia B, and 4% with mild hemophilia A or B (Figures 15 and 16).

Figure 15: History of HIV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Figure 15: History of HIV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Figure 15: History of HIV among male Registry participants with hemophilia A, by severity and year of birth
Mild Moderate Severe
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 26 4.0% * * 70 17.7% * * 418 39.8% 13 0.4%
No 581 90.5% 930 90.2% 318 80.3% 813 93.9% 619 59.0% 3046 93.8%
Unknown 35 5.5% * * 8 2.0% * * 13 1.2% 187 5.8%

* Counts less than six have been suppressed to protect patient confidentiality

Figure 16: History of HIV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Figure 16: History of HIV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Figure 16: History of HIV among male Registry participants with hemophilia B, by severity and year of birth
Mild Moderate Severe
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 7 4.0% * * 11 4.2% * * * * * *
No 151 86.8% 232 90% 235 90.7% 413 91.2% 167 74.2% 477 92.4%
Unknown 16 9.2% * * 13 5.0% * * * * * *

* Counts less than six have been suppressed to protect patient confidentiality

Vaccination Status

Male Registry participants with hemophilia, who were born in 1985 or later, received vaccination for HAV and HBV more often than the male Registry participants born before 1985; vaccination rates were similar for both hemophilia A and B (Figures 17 and 18).

Figure 17. History of HAV vaccination among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by diagnosis and year of birth
Figure 17. History of HAV vaccination among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by diagnosis and year of birth
Figure 17. History of HAV vaccination among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by diagnosis and year of birth
Hemophilia A Hemophilia B
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 1,136 53.9% 3,485 67.4% 361 54.1% 804 65.4%
No 259 12.3% 529 10.2% 93 13.9% 148 12.0%
Unknown 714 33.9% 1,153 22.3% 213 31.9% 278 22.6%
Figure 18. History of HBV vaccination among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by diagnosis and year of birth
Figure 18. History of HBV vaccination among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by diagnosis and year of birth
Figure 17. History of HAV vaccination among male Registry participants with hemophilia, by diagnosis and year of birth
Hemophilia A Hemophilia B
Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later Born pre–1985 Born 1985 or later
Yes 1,062 50.4% 4,088 79.1% 339 50.8% 949 77.2%
No 342 16.2% 254 4.9% 131 19.6% 79 6.4%
Unknown 705 33.4% 825 16.0% 197 29.5% 202 16.4%