2017 Summary of Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age

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July 2019

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Data Source: 2017 CDC EHDI Hearing Screening & Follow-up Survey (HSFS) (www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/hearingloss/ehdi-data.html)

2017 Summary of Infants Not Passing Hearing Screening Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age
State / Territory (n = 57) Total Screened Total Not Pass No Hearing Loss No Hearing Loss Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age Hearing Loss Hearing Loss Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age Prevalence per 1,000 Screened* Total Diagnosed (Includes cases of normal hearing and hearing loss) Total Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age (Includes cases of normal hearing and hearing loss) Percent Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age among the Diagnosed (Includes cases of normal hearing and hearing loss) Percent Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age§ among those Not Passing the Screen (Includes cases of normal hearing and hearing loss)
Alabama* 53,998 2,177 1770 1025 89 64 1.6 1,859 1,089 58.6 50.0
Alaska* 9,958 120 62 38 8 3 0.8 70 41 58.6 34.2
American Samoa* 987 98 30 8 1 0 1.0 31 8 25.8 8.2
Arizona* 82,094 866 342 231 178 125 2.2 520 356 68.5 41.1
Arkansas* 35,588 592 55 25 64 20 1.8 119 45 37.8 7.6
California* 462,417 2912 1094 573 1011 647 2.2 2,105 1,220 58.0 41.9
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands* 1,195 43 2 2 3 3 2.5 5 5 100.0 11.6
Connecticut 36,467 421 279 232 78 51 2.1 357 283 79.3 67.2
Delaware* 10,967 48 36 24 12 9 1.1 48 33 68.8 68.8
District of Columbia 13,491 540 46 39 11 7 0.8 57 46 80.7 8.5
Florida* 214,109 9134 7615 6928 288 180 1.3 7,903 7,108 89.9 77.8
Georgia* 128,168 1618 617 397 241 108 1.9 858 505 58.9 31.2
Guam* 2,895 60 4 2 5 4 1.7 9 6 66.7 10.0
Hawaii* 17,205 171 68 47 61 43 3.5 129 90 69.8 52.6
Idaho* 21,929 605 349 309 47 30 2.1 396 339 85.6 56.0
Illinois 143,911 1749 775 576 312 179 2.2 1,087 755 69.5 43.2
Indiana* 76,876 2817 2037 1589 193 105 2.5 2,230 1,694 76.0 60.1
Iowa* 37,794 555 281 221 73 50 1.9 354 271 76.6 48.8
Kansas* 37,603 703 553 473 53 21 1.4 606 494 81.5 70.3
Kentucky* 51,645 1463 1133 985 91 43 1.8 1,224 1,028 84.0 70.3
Louisiana 59,867 661 78 34 83 32 1.4 161 66 41.0 10.0
Maine* 11,789 231 159 121 21 11 1.8 180 132 73.3 57.1
Marshall Islands* 884 22 6 4 6 2 6.8 12 6 50.0 27.3
Maryland* 67,586 974 649 480 94 64 1.4 743 544 73.2 55.9
Massachusetts 70,879 1212 877 757 148 114 2.1 1,025 871 85.0 71.9
Michigan* 108,617 1258 406 191 167 96 1.5 573 287 50.1 22.8
Micronesia 1,429 108 108 85 0 0 0.0 108 85 78.7 78.7
Minnesota* 66,792 813 324 204 162 104 2.4 486 308 63.4 37.9
Mississippi 36,872 603 417 346 54 19 1.5 471 365 77.5 60.5
Missouri 72,452 1100 624 608 113 84 1.6 737 692 93.9 62.9
Montana* 11,524 237 30 16 22 15 1.9 52 31 59.6 13.1
Nebraska* 26,116 194 92 51 51 39 2.0 143 90 62.9 46.4
Nevada 34,743 431 161 104 65 40 1.9 226 144 63.7 33.4
New Hampshire* 11,732 394 247 165 20 8 1.7 267 173 64.8 43.9
New Jersey* 98,312 707 232 162 126 76 1.3 358 238 66.5 33.7
New Mexico* 21,679 463 219 147 53 30 2.4 272 177 65.1 38.2
New York 224,630 2218 630 410 334 140 1.5 964 550 57.1 24.8
North Carolina* 121,240 836 245 124 199 112 1.6 444 236 53.2 28.2
North Dakota* 12,317 282 60 29 23 11 1.9 83 40 48.2 14.2
Ohio** 134,423 4,129 2,622 2,271 261 182 1.9 2,883 2,453 85.1 59.4
Oklahoma*ᵝ 48,177 631 0 0 85 26 1.8 85 26 30.6 4.1
Oregon* 43,424 1,189 937 712 97 56 2.2 1,034 768 74.3 64.6
Palau 219 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Pennsylvania* 131,855 1,414 603 421 221 130 1.7 824 551 66.9 39.0
Puerto Rico* 23,784 830 465 247 22 11 0.9 487 258 53.0 31.1
Rhode Island* 11,102 384 198 119 35 19 3.2 233 138 59.2 35.9
South Carolina 52,333 933 287 242 97 45 1.9 384 287 74.7 30.8
South Dakota 12,482 270 20 17 37 27 3.0 57 44 77.2 16.3
Tennessee* 85,668 4,328 3,219 2,954 148 116 1.7 3,367 3,070 91.2 70.9
Texas* 373,701 4,956 1,410 877 417 263 1.1 1,827 1,140 62.4 23.0
Utah* 49,268 435 257 198 98 84 2.0 355 282 79.4 64.8
Vermont* 5,450 32 18 16 11 11 2.0 29 27 93.1 84.4
Virginia* 97,672 1,548 753 503 159 78 1.6 912 581 63.7 37.5
Washington* 85,687 934 438 266 157 99 1.8 595 365 61.3 39.1
West Virginia* 18,689 681 118 100 5 1 0.3 123 101 82.1 14.8
Wisconsin* 63,759 709 388 303 115 48 1.8 503 351 69.8 49.5
Wyoming* 6,158 20 5 4 12 11 1.9 17 15 88.2 75.0
Totals 3,742,608 62,859 34,450 27,012 6,537 3,896 1.7 40,987 30,908 75.4 49.2

Prevalence per 1,000 Screened: (# Hearing loss / # Total Screened) x 1,000

Percent Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age among the Diagnosed: (# Total Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age / # Total Diagnosed) * 100

§ Percent Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age among those Not Passing the Screen: (# Total Diagnosed Before 3 Months of Age / # Total Not Pass) * 100

**One hospital experienced screener issues during the report period. Per CDC guidance, inpatient screening results were removed and marked as missed. One outpatient screening was permitted for these children.

* Jurisdiction reported using revised “Parents/Family Contacted but Unresponsive” definition. Refer to page 5-6 of the 2017 CDC EHDI Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey Explanations document for explanations of “old” and “revised” Unresponsive definitions.

ᵝ There are infants diagnosed with no hearing loss. However, they are not captured in the HSFS under the Diagnostic Data section.

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