Disability & Health U.S. Profile Data for Guam (Adults 18+ years of age)

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Disability Impacts Guam

Everyone can play a role in supporting more inclusive state programs, communities, and health care to help people with disabilities be well and active in their communities. Join CDC and its partners as we work together to improve the health of people with disabilities.

32,309 adults in Guam have a disability. This is equal to 31 percent or 1 in 3 adults in Guam.

Percentage of adults in Guam with select functional disability types

Disability Types

Mobility: Serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs

Cognition: Serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions

Independent living: Serious difficulty doing errands alone, such as visiting a doctor's office

Hearing: Deaf or serious difficulty hearing

Vision: Blind or serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses

Self-care: Difficulty dressing or bathing

Adults with disabilities in Guam experience health disparities and are more likely to report...1

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Visit Disability and Health Data System to find additional topics about the health and wellness of adults with disabilities in your state.

Note: Data are rounded to the nearest whole figure. For more precise prevalence data, please visit dhds.cdc.gov.

  1. Data Source: 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS).