Hispanic/Latina women are more likely to have a child born with a neural tube defect (NTD) than non-Hispanic White and Black women. Getting 400 mcg of folic acid daily before and during early pregnancy can help reduce the risk of NTDs. Use the video and sample message in English and Spanish on your various platforms to help raise awareness about folic acid among Hispanic/Latina women in your community.
Download videos
Folic Acid Explainer Video - English
Video Explicativo Sobre el Ácido Fólico - Spanish
Sample message
Building a strong and healthy family starts with folic acid. Take 400 mcg of folic acid daily before and during early pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain and spine. #FolicAcid #PowerToPrevent
Construir una familia sana y fuerte comienza con el ácido fólico. Toma 400 mcg de ácido fólico a diario antes y durante el embarazo para reducir el riesgo de defectos de nacimiento del cerebro y la columna vertebral. #ÁcidoFólico #ElPoderDePrevenir