At a glance
Use these resources to help encourage provider referrals to DSMES and break down barriers to participation.
Find out how to establish a clear, efficient referral process to increase participation in DSMES.
Educating Health Care Providers
Encourage DSMES referral as a critical part of the treatment plan for patients with diabetes.
Establishing a Referral Network
Tips to help DSMES services establish a referral network.
Empowering People With Diabetes to Access DSMES
Empower people with diabetes to receive DSMES services.
Overcoming Barriers to Referral and Treatment
Find out how to identify and address barriers to participation in DSMES at multiple levels.
Health Care Provider Follow-Up
Reasons why provider follow-up is essential to people with diabetes.
Patient Success With DSMES Through Telehealth
Read these success stories to learn about the benefits of telehealth for managing diabetes.