Keeping Records in AMIGAS

What to know

Current information will help you monitor your AMIGAS program’s progress.


Information that is reliable, relevant, and current will help you monitor your AMIGAS program’s progress and evaluate which of your program goals have been met. In addition, accurate records of staff labor, expenses, and in-kind donations will increase your ability to estimate the costs of future programs. The records you keep will help you answer questions your funders, managers, and other partners may have about how program resources were used. Good information can even help you secure future funding.

The role of supervisors

In an evaluation, we often refer to the information collected from program records or other sources as "data." The supervisor can play a very important role in developing and maintaining simple record keeping procedures that will produce accurate data.

Supervisors can ensure the records are correct, complete, and consistent. They can oversee data entry and the preparation of data summaries. Several software applications can be used for data entry and reporting. Supervisors may be responsible for keeping track of staff time and expenditures as well.

The role of community health workers

Community health workers also play a very important role in record keeping. However, we know that community health workers are motivated by their wish to help women and save lives, not by program documentation. Some may even feel that the documentation gets in the way of doing their jobs.

Here are some ways to make record keeping easier for community health workers.

  • Consolidate the information from several forms into one.
  • Have community health workers work in pairs or groups to complete the forms and review each other's work.
  • Maintain open communication to encourage community health workers to complete their forms.
  • Check the forms for accuracy and provide timely feedback.
  • Help community health workers who may be having problems with record keeping.
  • Remind community health workers of the importance and value of accurate records.
  • Make sure community health workers know how important their role is in good program documentation.
  • Reward community health workers for a job well done with record keeping and evaluation.