Key points
Anaplasmosis is a disease caused by the bacterium, Anaplasma phagocytophilium, that has become increasingly nationally notifiable and most commonly affects people at risk in the upper midwestern and northeastern United States.

Dashboard Data Files
Annual incidence per million population of reported anaplasmosis - geography - United States 2018
Annual incidence per million population of reported anaplasmosis - geography - United States 2019
Annual incidence per million population of reported anaplasmosis - geography - United States 2020
Annual incidence per million population of reported anaplasmosis - geography - United States 2021
Annual incidence per million population of reported anaplasmosis - geography - United States 2022
Average number of reported cases of anaplasmosis by month of onset United States 2018-2022
Average number of reported cases of anaplasmosis by month of onset United States 2018-2022
Number of reported cases of anaplasmosis - United States 2000-2022
Number of reported cases of E. ewingii and undetermined ehrlichiosis anaplasmosis United States 2008...
Annual incidence per million population of reported anaplasmosis geography United States 2019
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