National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

Staff Bio

Brian C. Moyer, PhD, is the director for the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), which is the nation’s principal source for health statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of people.

Headshot of Dr. Brian C. Moyer, Director for the National Center for Health Statistics
Director for the National Center for Health Statistics, Brian C. Moyer, PhD

Role at CDC

As director of NCHS, Dr. Moyer is responsible for providing leadership for a wide-range of programs, including research and analysis in health and vital statistics, epidemiology, and related health and statistical sciences.

Previous experience

Prior to this role, Dr. Moyer served as the director of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) where he oversaw BEA's production of official economic statistics and the collection and publishing of economic data and research and analysis. He is a proven leader within the nation's statistical community and brings a wealth of knowledge and extensive experience to NCHS. He has nearly three decades of experience at BEA in the U.S. Department of Commerce, which, alongside NCHS, is one of the principal statistical agencies.

Throughout his career, he has excelled in leading the transformation of data collection and analysis systems to maximize their effectiveness, utility, and value. He has overseen innovation efforts to modernize statistical concepts, methods, and operations, including expanded use of "big data" and associated platforms. His leadership of collaborative scientific research has made full use of new methodologies and data sources to develop statistical products, including machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence, administrative data, and private industry data sources. He has worked alongside the academic community to continuously improve statistical concepts and techniques.


Dr. Moyer received his bachelor's and master's degrees in economics from the University of Maryland. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in economics from American University and is a recipient of numerous awards for his management and leadership skills, as well as for improvements to the Bureau of Economic Analysis economic accounts.