Campaign Materials – #GYT

What to know

These social media messages for X/Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can help amplify STI prevention messages during STI Awareness Week. Select messages that align with your audiences and goals.

Campaign materials banner

Additional suggestions to keep in mind:

  • Use #STIweek and #GYT hashtags on Twitter and Instagram during STI Awareness Week to join the conversation and share information, pictures and videos.
  • Use suggested daily themes to help plan your STI Awareness Week calendar, or mix and match campaigns
  • Share messages with suggested graphics or your own images, GIFs, and videos.
  • Customize messages with local testing options. Incorporate local hashtags that may help your messages reach your target audience.
  • Follow and tag @CDCSTD on Twitter and CDC STD on Facebook.

Sample Social Media Messages and Graphics

Day 1: Spread Awareness About STI Awareness Week and GYT Campaign
GYT: Get Yourself Tested

STI Awareness Week is here! Join the conversation with #STIweek to get involved and learn how you can take action to help overcome the rise of #STIs in the U.S. #GYT

GYT animated gif
Day 2: Know the facts – Debunk Myths and False Information about STI Prevention and Testing
"DYK? All STIs can be treated and some can be cured. GYT: Get Yourself Tested"

DYK? All STIs can be treated & some can be cured. Know the facts: #GYT #STIweek

Sabias? Todas las ITS se pueden tratar y algunas se pueden curar.

¿Sabías? Todas las #ITS se pueden tratar y algunas se pueden curar. ¡Infórmate! #GYT #STIweek

DYK? Many STIs have no symptoms. Protect your health. Get Tested.

Many #STIs have no symptoms. The only way you can be sure of your status is to Get Yourself Tested. #GYT #STIweek

Sabias? Muchas ITS no causan sintomas. Protege tu salud. Hazte La Prueba.

¿Sabías? Muchas #ITS no causan síntomas. Protege tu #salud. Hazte la prueba. #GYT #STIweek

Day 3: How to GYT – Provide Tips on How to Prepare for Provider Visits and What to Expect
Show your respect for each other. Test for STIs and HIV with your sex partner.

Did you know? Anyone having sex can get an STI. This STI Awareness Week, know your STI care options and Get Yourself Tested! #GYT #STIweek

Muestrense RESPETO. Hazte pruebas de ITS y el VIH con tu pareja sexual.

Hazte pruebas de #ITS y el #VIH con tu pareja sexual. ¡Muéstrense respeto! #GYT #STIweek

Almost HALF of all new STIs are in people under age 25

Youth aged 15-24 account for almost ½ of all new #STI infections in 2018. This #STIweek, find out how STI testing can protect you and your partner. #GYT

GYT: La mitad de los casos nuevos de ITS corresponden a personas menores de 25 anos.

LA MITAD de los casos nuevos de #ITS corresponden a personas menores de 25 años. No juegues con tu salud, hazte la prueba de ITS: #GYT #STIweek

STI Fact: Almost half of all new STIs are among youth aged 15 - 24 in the U.S. Protect Yourself, Protect Your Partner.
Day 4: Share Local STI Testing Information

These messages can be customized with specific STI care information that your organization is offering. Some services to promote include video or phone appointments, express visits, pharmacies or retail health clinics for testing and treatment, and at-home collection kits.

GYT: Get Yourself Tested. 15 -24 year olds account for half of all new STI cases.

DYK? In 2020, over half (53%) of reported cases of STIs were among adolescents and young adults aged 15–24 years. [Organization] is offering testing at [testing strategy, dates, location]. #GYT for #STIweek! [Contact information/organization URL]

Day 5: Promote Surveillance Report Numbers
The State of STDs Infographic

2022 surveillance data underscores that STIs must be a public health priority. More than 2.5 million STI cases were reported in the U.S., with syphilis emerging as a unique public health challenge. #STIreport #STIweek

The State of STDs Infographic

In [insert year][organization’s state/county/city] had [number] cases of #chlamydia, #gonorrhea, and #syphilis. For #STIweek, know your testing options and #GYT. [Organization] is offering [testing strategy, dates, location]. [Contact information/organization URL]

Additional Resources

Searching for prevention resources you can share with your community year-round? Visit the General Resources page for links to fact sheets, infographics, screening recommendations, and more. There's something for everyone!