PRC Tools
This page provides a listing of PRC tools organized by health topic.
Native Voices
An HIV prevention program for American Indian and Alaska Native youth.
Sexual Health Video Library for Use by Deaf Communities
An American Sign Language video series to raise awareness about sexual health information with deaf communities.
A school health program promoting physical activity and healthy food chooses in preschool – 8th grade.
Concession Stand Toolkit
A toolkit to help booster clubs or parent groups to introduce healthy foods at concession stands
FAN: Faith, Activity and Nutrition Program
A program to help churches create healthier environments for physical activity and healthy eating.
Farmers Market (FM) Tracks
A tool to evaluate healthy food incentive programs used by SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) customers.
Mall Walking Guide
A guide to help mall managers and community groups start and keep up a walking program.
A nutrition and physical activity guide for wellness practices and policies in after-school and similar programs.
Seeds of Hope
A tool to help rural women address lifestyle changes related to obesity.
Weight Wise Leader Guides
A weight loss program for low income women in the South.
Arkansas Statewide Public Health Database Available Online
A free, searchable Arkansas public health database.
Diabetes and the Family
A program for community health workers to help families prevent and manage diabetes.
Healthy Aging Network (HAN) Environmental Audit Tool
This toolkit was created to help planners analyze neighborhoods for unsuitable conditions and to identify where changes are needed.
It’s Your Game
An abstinence-plus on-line program and class for teens.
Rural Restaurant Healthy Options Program
This toolkit targets small, owner-operated rural restaurants. It helps their customers make positive food choices by raising awareness of healthy menu options.