What to know
PLACES measures are grouped into seven categories: (1) Health Outcomes, (2) Prevention, (3) Health Risk Behaviors, (4) Disabilities, (5) Health Status, (6) Health-Related Social Needs, and (7) Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Below, you can find the definition for each measure by category.

PLACES measure definitions by category
Learn about the PLACES Health Outcomes data measures and how they are used.
Learn about the PLACES Prevention data measures and how they are used.
Learn about the PLACES Health Risk Behavior data measures and how they are used.
Learn about the PLACES Disability data measures and how they are used.
Learn about the PLACES Health Status data measures and how they are used.
Learn about the PLACES Health-Related Social Needs data measures and how they are used.
Learn about the PLACES Social Determinants of Health data measures and how they are used.