Mining Publication: Development of a Mine Rescue Support Vehicle

Original creation date: December 2018

Authors: L Patts, J Rohrbaugh, J Schall

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article - December 2018

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20054209

Coal Age 2018 Dec; 123(10):40-42

With the specialized needs of mine rescue teams responding to an emergency in mind, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) contracted with ROHMAC, which manufactures mine-duty utility equipment and attachments, including equipment that can be operated via remote control, under extreme conditions, and in confined spaces. As a result of this contract, along with participation and substantial input from the mining industry and mine rescue community, a prototype mine rescue support vehicle was successfully developed and tested in rigorous conditions to simulate the mining environment. ROHMAC is currently in the process of making further improvements to the prototype and will be applying for Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approval for permissible use. This article details the development of the prototype and describes the additional capabilities that are being integrated into the mine rescue support vehicle.

First page of Development of a Mine Rescue Support Vehicle
Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Article - December 2018

NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20054209

Coal Age 2018 Dec; 123(10):40-42

Page last reviewed: January 17, 2019
Page last updated: January 17, 2019