Mining Publication: Dynamic Temperature Measurement of Overheated Shuttle Car Trailing Cables in Underground Coal Mines
Original creation date: January 1999
Authors: PG Kovalchik, LW Scott, TH Dubaniewicz, FT Duda
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20000108
Trans Soc Min Metal Explor 1999 Jan; 306:20-22
Recent research conducted by NIOSH, Pittsburgh Research Laboratory showed that electric current levels permitted under present regulations may not limit cable temperatures to less than 90 degrees-C in reeled trailing cables. Reeled cables, tightly wrapped with many turns, all carrying current in an enclosed space, can become overheated due to poor heat transfer. This overheating can cause the cable insulation to soften and become easily damaged. The damaged insulation reduces the life of the cable and can lead to shock, electrocution, and mine fires. This paper describes a method of measuring the conductor temperature of mine trailing cables during normal operation. The temperature is measured using a 50/125 micrometer Graded Index Multimode Optical Fiber located in the center of the metallic conductors. Distributed temperature measurements are made using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). This system is capable of measuring temperature with an accuracy of plus or minus one degree centigrade over a length of 4km at 1-m intervals. With this unique way of measuring temperature, tests can be conducted simulating actual mine conditions and provide important data to allow MSHA's Approval and Certification Center to develop approval criteria for cyclically rated reeled machines.
NIOSHTIC2 Number: 20000108
Trans Soc Min Metal Explor 1999 Jan; 306:20-22
- The Critical Ventilation Velocity in Tunnel Fires - A Computer Simulation
- Explosion Temperatures and Pressures of Metals and Other Elemental Dust Clouds
- Field Evaluation of Seat Designs for Underground Coal Mine Shuttle Cars
- Investigation of Ampacity Derating Factors for Shuttle Cars Using Fiber Optics Technology
- Low Temperature Limits for Mixing Recycled Oil, Diesel Fuel, and Ammonium Nitrate to Make ANFO-Type Blasting Agents
- Low-Temperature Evolution of Hydrocarbon Gases From Coal
- Systematic Comparison of Different Seats on Shuttle Cars Used in Underground Coal Mines
- Technological Aspects of Solid-State and Incandescent Sources for Miner Cap Lamps
- Technology News 459 - Ergonomic Seat Reduces Shock for Low-Seam Shuttle Car Operators
- Whole-Body Vibration Exposure Comparison of Seat Designs for Low- and Mid-Seam Shuttle Cars in Underground Coal Mines