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Foreword for: The Occupational Environment – its Evaluation and Control


September 1997
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 74-117rev

For the past 25 years, the 1973 edition of The Industrial Environment – Its Evaluation & Control served as the cornerstone of occupational safety and health information. Numerous students and practitioners used this book as both a text and a reference. In addition, many workers benefited from the prevention and control measures they learned from this document, which was one of NIOSH’s most widely requested publications. Some of the most knowledgeable practitioners and researchers in the field contributed to the 1973 edition. Their contributions were clear, thorough, and informative. In the past 25 years, the workplace has changed in many ways. To meet the needs of today’s workplace, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is publishing a new edition titled The Occupational Environment – its Evaluation and Control. This new edition addresses hazards faced by contemporary workers and new approaches to prevention and control; it is intended as a source book for much of the knowledge needed to protect current and future workers from occupational illnesses and injuries. New chapters have therefore been added to cover contemporary workplace issues such as computers in occupational hygiene, risk communication and assessment, hazardous waste management, indoor air, nonionizing radiation, ergonomics, and worker education and training. NIOSH appreciates the efforts of the many experts who have contributed to this new edition. Their contributions will influence many scientists and workers who will shape the future of occupational hygiene. We also acknowledge the American Industrial Hygiene Association for developing this new edition, which will benefit working men and women and their employers.

Linda Rosenstock, M.D., MPH
Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
AIHA Press

American Industrial Hygiene Association
2700 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 250
Fairfax, Virginia 22031
Tel.: (703) 849-8888
Fax: (703) 207-3561
ISBN 0-932627-82-X
AIHA Stock No. 252-BP-97