They’re Your Ears: Protect Them
October 2007
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2007-175

They’re your ears Protect them: Hearing Loss Caused by Farm Noise is Preventable encourages young farmers to protect their ears from noise. A 25-year-old farmer can often have the ears of a 50-year-old who is not exposed to noise and not even know it! This brochure is designed to increase the awareness of farmers about the relationship between farm noise and the early onset of tinnitus (e.g. ringing or buzzing in the ears) and hearing loss among farmers. It is a companion to DHHS-(NIOSH) Publication No.2007-176, Have you Heard? Hearing Loss Caused by Farm Noise is Preventable: Young Farmers’ Guide for Selecting and Using Hearing Protection. The brochures are especially suited for young farmers ages 14-35 and their families. For bulk orders of printed copies, e-mail
This brochure is designed to be printed on US legal-sized paper.
They’re Your Ears: Protect Them [PDF – 573 KB]