Error processing SSI file

Why Were you Selected?

You were chosen randomly to take part in NHANES.  A computer program first selects areas of the country, then neighborhoods, households, and lastly, people like you.

Image of vegetables and stethoscope

Stage 2: Neighborhoods
Within each area, neighborhoods with a large number of households are selected.

Stage 4: People
Selected residences are asked to complete a short survey about all the people who live at that address. The computer program then determines if anyone in the home is eligible to participate in NHANES.

Stage 1: Areas
The United States is divided into distinct groups based on how similar the areas are to each other. One or two areas are selected from each group to be visited each year for the study.

Stage 3: Houses, Condos, Apartments, and other Households
All of the households within those subareas or neighborhoods are identified; then we will select a few households from these subareas for the study.