South Carolina

Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 6, 2021

To learn more about South Carolina’s school testing plans, visit their website or contact their school-based screening testing program. Camps serving K–12 aged students that are interested in testing can email

Management structure for school screening

South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is the lead coordinator of ELC Reopening Schools and manages implementation of program-related activities.

Support provided to school districts

DHEC has provided tools and written guidance to schools including sample parent letters, thresholds for increased testing, etc. Unfortunately, the start of the 2021-2022 school year coincided with the rapid spread of the Delta variant across the state. DHEC is working expeditiously to accommodate an increased demand for school testing while ensuring that documentation, reporting, and provisions for privacy are in place. DHEC has held conference calls with school leaders, school nurses, and participated in virtual Town Hall sessions with the Department of Education.

The current testing plan is designed to provide schools with three options for testing:

  1. Schools conduct rapid testing onsite and are reimbursed by DHEC
  2. Schools will have access to a third-party vendor to conduct testing and report to the health department
  3. Schools can participate in the pooled testing method offered through a program known as Operation Expanded Testing.

In addition to ELC funding, DHEC is working with counterparts to provide additional support via contact tracers and school nursing support.