New York

Note: Recipient-submitted material; content authored by recipient, not ELC
Information current as of October 6, 2021

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To learn more about New York’s school testing plans, contact their school-based screening testing program. Camps serving K–12 aged students that are interested in testing can email

Management structure for school screening

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has contracted with local health departments (LHDs) and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to provide ELC Reopening Schools support to public and non-public schools in each county of New York state (excluding New York City, as they are an ELC recipient). LHDs/BOCES are responsible for assessing the need for assistance and resources related to designing and implementing COVID-19 screening testing and applicable support services for schools in their service regions. NYSDOH provides guidance and technical assistance to LHDs and BOCES regarding ELC Reopening Schools plans and services.

Support provided to school districts

Required workplan deliverables for all LHDs and BOCES receiving ELC Reopening Schools funding include

  • Assessing current school testing programs and types of assistance needed
  • Providing technical assistance resources to local schools, including interpreting testing trends and results
  • Providing outreach to help schools understand local COVID-19 trends in the context of their communities
  • Providing outreach to schools regarding additional services based on emerging needs or trends.

LHDs and BOCES have been asked by NYSDOH to continue to utilize community transmission and vaccination levels as they design and implement their school screening testing programs.