Stroke Systems of Care Framework: Resources

At a glance

Explore these resources, developed by the Paul Coverdell National Acute Stroke Program grantees, and use them to support your program’s stroke systems of care.

Speeding ambulance.


These resources that support partnership development or coalition building with hospitals, EMS agencies, and post-hospital organizations.

Collect and use data

These resources support collection and use of information for (1) systematizing data (including data use agreements and performance measures); (2) using data to inform quality improvement plans, tools, and education; or 3) using data to improve coordination and quality of stroke care.


Resources that support community education or outreach.

Resources that support education for professionals.


Resources that support evaluation activities to monitor progress of stroke care improvements and systems integration.

Publications and protocols

Peer-reviewed articles published by Coverdell grantees.

Protocols developed by Coverdell grantees:

Related tools


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