Social Media Posts and Images

Use these suggested posts and images to spread the word that colorectal cancer screening saves lives on social media.

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If you’re 45 or older, it’s time to talk to your doctor about #ColorectalCancer screening. Your options might surprise you.

#ColorectalCancer is one of the most common cancers among men and women, but it can be prevented with routine screening. Schedule your screening today.

Routine screening is #cancer prevention, because #ColorectalCancer doesn’t always have symptoms. If you’re 45 or older, talk to your doctor about screening options.

Getting screened for colorectal cancer may not sound pleasant, but it can actually prevent cancer. There are several screening test options; some you can even do from home. Talk to your doctor to decide which is best for you.

You have enough to worry about these days. You don’t need to add colorectal cancer to the list. On-time screening tests can find polyps before they turn into cancer. Talk to your doctor and schedule a colorectal cancer screening test.