Rates of Any and Exclusive Breastfeeding by Sociodemographic Characteristic Among Children Born in 2019 (Percentage +/- half 95% Confidence Interval)1,2
  Any Breastfeeding Exclusive Breastfeeding
    Ever Breastfed Breastfed at 6 Months Breastfed at 12 Months   Exclusive Breastfeeding through 3 Months Exclusive Breastfeeding through 6 Months
Socio-demographic Factors n % ± half 95% CI % ± half 95% CI % ± half 95% CI n % ± half 95% CI % ± half 95% CI
US National 20906 83.2±1.0 55.8±1.3 35.9±1.2 20217 45.3±1.3 24.9±1.1
Male 10668 83.3±1.4 55.5±1.8 36.1±1.7 10306 44.6±1.8 24.4±1.5
Female 10238 83.1±1.5 56.2±1.8 35.7±1.7 9911 46.1±1.8 25.5±1.6
Hispanic 3991 83.0±2.3 51.4±2.9 33.2±2.7 3903 43.8±2.9 23.5±2.5
Non-Hispanic White 11465 85.3±1.3 59.9±1.7 39.4±1.6 11060 49.0±1.7 26.9±1.5
Non-Hispanic Black 2144 74.1±3.7 44.0±3.7 24.1±2.8 2075 36.3±3.5 19.1±2.8
Non-Hispanic Asian 1119 90.8±2.9 70.2±4.9 45.7±5.1 1076 42.5±5.1 28.5±4.5
Non-Hispanic Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 113 NA NA NA 112 NA NA
Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native 295 NA NA NA 291 NA NA
2 or more races 1779 82.7±3.4 57.1±4.3 38.1±4.2 1700 47.4±4.3 27.0±3.8
Maternal Education
Less than high school 1117 71.6±4.4 39.2±4.9 26.6±4.5 1089 34.7±5.0 19.8±4.3
High school graduate 3588 73.4±2.6 39.7±2.7 23.4±2.3 3478 36.1±2.7 18.6±2.2
Some college or technical school 5225 85.7±1.7 54.2±2.4 34.2±2.4 5079 45.6±2.5 23.8±2.2
College graduate 10976 91.5±1.1 71.9±1.6 47.7±1.7 10571 54.1±1.8 31.2±1.6
Maternal Age
Under 20 123 NA NA NA 121 NA NA
20 - 29 5691 79.9±2.1 45.0±2.3 27.9±2.1 5526 40.9±2.4 20.4±1.8
30 or older 15092 84.9±1.2 61.1±1.5 39.7±1.5 14570 47.4±1.5 27.1±1.4
Poverty Income Ratio3
Less than 100 3577 74.0±2.7 41.1±2.8 24.9±2.4 3499 37.8±2.9 19.3±2.3
100 – 199 3885 80.1±2.4 49.9±3.0 31.5±2.8 3778 41.3±3.0 22.3±2.5
200 – 399 5454 85.3±1.9 59.0±2.4 39.1±2.4 5279 48.4±2.5 28.5±2.3
400 – 599 3840 90.7±2.1 68.4±3.2 46.4±3.0 3665 51.8±3.2 28.3±2.6
600 or greater 4150 91.6±1.5 70.4±2.7 44.3±2.8 3996 51.9±2.8 29.0±2.5
Marital Status4
Married 15160 88.6±1.1 66.1±1.5 44.0±1.5 14596 50.5±1.5 29.3±1.4
Unmarried 5746 74.1±2.1 38.7±2.2 22.4±1.9 5621 36.8±2.3 17.8±1.8
Geographic Location5
Metropolitan 17552 83.8±1.1 56.6±1.4 36.6±1.3 16959 45.7±1.4 25.2±1.2
Non–metropolitan 3354 78.5±2.8 49.7±3.3 29.7±3.0 3258 42.3±3.4 22.7±3.1
Birth Order
First born 8128 84.9±1.6 55.4±2.0 33.8±1.9 7850 41.6±2.0 21.7±1.6
Not first born 12778 82.2±1.4 56.1±1.7 37.1±1.6 12367 47.5±1.7 26.8±1.4
Receiving WIC6
Yes 7097 74.7±1.9 40.3±2.1 23.6±1.8 6934 35.5±2.1 17.8±1.7
No, but eligible 1732 85.6±3.2 59.2±4.4 39.8±4.2 1678 50.9±4.5 29.6±4.0
Ineligible 11941 91.2±1.0 70.1±1.6 46.9±1.7 11485 53.8±1.7 31.0±1.5

1Data from the US territories are excluded from the national breastfeeding estimates to be consistent with the analytical methods for the establishment of Healthy People 2030 targets on breastfeeding.
2Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as ONLY breast milk—NO solids, water, or other liquids.
3Poverty Income Ratio = Ratio of self-reported family income to the federal poverty threshold value depending on the number of people in the household.
4Unmarried includes never married, widowed, separated, divorced and living with partners.
5Metropolitan area is defined by the Census Bureau.
6WIC = Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. People who did not provide information on WIC status were excluded from analysis of this variable.

NA = Estimate not available because the 95% CI was mostly greater than 10 in these subgroups.

Source: National Immunization Survey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services