Dentists: Treating patients with pain and swelling
Be Antibiotics Aware at Hospital Discharge Flowchart
Nursing Home: Effective Communication
Antibiotics and Adverse Events
Un compromiso para mejorar el uso de antibióticos
Why a Written Commitment?
Written public commitments in support of antibiotic stewardship placed in examination rooms have been shown to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions.
Is it Really a Penicillin Allergy? Fact Sheet
Checklist for Antibiotic Prescribing in Dentistry
Prescription pads
Watchful Waiting for Ear Infections
La espera vigilante para las infecciones de oído
Relief for Common Symptoms of Colds and Cough
Alivio para los síntomas comunes de los resfriados y la tos
Symptom Relief for Viral Illnesses
Alivio de los síntomas de enfermedades virales
Symptom Relief for Viral Illnesses
Alivio de los síntomas de enfermedades virales
Pharmacy posters
5 Ways Community Pharmacists can Be Antibiotics Aware
5 Ways Hospital Pharmacists can Be Antibiotics Aware
Avoid Treatment of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
Use the Shortest Effective Antibiotic Duration
5 Ways Consultant Pharmacists can Be Antibiotics Aware
Ensure Documentation of the Indication for Every Antibiotic Order
Limit Prolonged Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Urinary Tract Infection
Avoid Treatment of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
Use the Shortest Effective Antibiotic Duration
Improve Fluoroquinolone Prescribing Practices