2024 General Activities on Department of Energy (DOE) Cases

DCAS will reconstruct radiation doses by evaluating all appropriate data relevant to which an individual worker or group of workers have been exposed, particularly when radiation monitoring data are unavailable, incomplete, or of poor quality. The data used for the dose reconstructions will be obtained through requests sent to DOE and data search and capture efforts.

DCAS along with Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), the contractor hired to support NIOSH’s responsibilities under The Act, have been involved in data search and capture efforts. These efforts are being conducted at various DOE sites and federal and private records storage locations throughout the United States to retrieve radiation monitoring data needed to conduct dose reconstructions.

2024 Data Search and Capture


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 132 documents were reviewed and 132 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL/X-10 individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 3 documents were reviewed and 3 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL/X-10 individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 15 documents were reviewed and 15 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL/X-10 individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 24 boxes were reviewed and 24 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Y-12 Plant Data capture events were related to: personnel dosimetry files for Rust Engineering and MK-Ferguson.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 168 documents were reviewed and 168 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL/X-10 individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 125 documents were reviewed and 125 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL/X-10 individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 142 documents were reviewed and 142 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 188 documents were reviewed and 188 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL/X-10 individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 152 documents were reviewed and 152 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 147 documents were reviewed and 147 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, 45 documents were reviewed and 45 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: radiation exposure files of ORNL individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

  • No data capture events


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, various documents were reviewed and 101 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: computer output reports and rescans of selected radiation exposure files of ORNL individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, various documents were reviewed and 216 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: subcontractor radiation exposure cards and rescans of selected radiation exposure files of ORNL individuals with bioassay data from 1955-1959.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN

During this effort, various documents were reviewed and 87 documents were captured.

Data Capture Events
Work Site Information Retrieved
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/X-10) Data search/capture events were related to: pocket meter weekly reports, bioassay samples, bioassay reports, whole body counter analyses, employee information, ten highest annual radiation monitoring, radiation exposure records, annual external reports, buildings surveillance logs, list of forms, personnel monitoring data, film calibration charts, visitor dose reports, exposure records, weekly Health Physics survey stats, termination and name changes, film ring schematic, Health Physics descriptions, and Health Physics monthly progress reports.

  • No data capture events

  • No data capture events

  • No data capture events

  • No data capture events

Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Energy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Fiscal Year 2019. The MOU describes how the Agencies will work together to carry out their responsibilities under The Act and Executive Order 13179. Part of the agreement covers how HHS and DOE will coordinate data search and capture activities.