Public Health Guidance for VHF Response Planning


During an outbreak of a viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) or other high-consequence disease, rapid identification of cases is critical to limit disease spread. This web page identifies important guidance and recommendations for VHF and other high-consequence disease response and preparedness.

State, tribal, local, or territorial (STLT) public health departments should use these resources to plan readiness efforts for VHF or other high-consequence disease at the state and local levels. STLT public health officials should assess their jurisdiction's level of readiness for a potential VHF or other high-consequence disease response and identify and address preparedness and operational gaps.


In 2019, CDC published updated national capability standards to guide the development of state and local public health emergency preparedness efforts. This document, Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities: National Standards for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Public Health, describes the 15 preparedness capabilities necessary for a robust state and local public health emergency response. Each capability is made up of functions, and each function contains specific tasks that are supported by multiple resource elements.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) published national capability standards to align preparedness and response efforts of healthcare systems, healthcare coalitions, and healthcare organizations. This document, 2017-2022 Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities, describes the high-level capabilities and objectives healthcare delivery systems should undertake to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies.

Planning and response efforts for an outbreak of a VHF or other high-consequence disease requires readiness in one healthcare preparedness capability and six key public health preparedness capabilities including:

  • Foundation for Health Care and Medical Readiness (Healthcare Preparedness Capability #1)
  • Emergency Public Information and Warning (Public Health Preparedness Capability #4)
  • Information Sharing (Public Health Preparedness/Healthcare Preparedness Capability #6)
  • Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (Public Health Preparedness Capability #11)
  • Public Health Laboratory Testing (Public Health Preparedness Capability #12)
  • Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation (Public Health Preparedness Capability #13)
  • Responder Safety and Health (Public Health Preparedness/Healthcare Preparedness Capability #14)

The following resources may help STLT public health departments address self-identified gaps in response planning for a VHF or other high-consequence disease based on the national standards. STLT officials are encouraged to review these online resources frequently as information may change over time.

Foundation for Health Care and Medical Readiness

Assess readiness for VHF or other high-consequence disease response within your jurisdiction's hospitals, inpatient and outpatient healthcare facilities, clinician practices, and other clinical settings. Ensure strong relationships are developed and sustained, hazards and risks are identified, and that gaps are prioritized and addressed through planning, training, exercises, and managing resources. Coordinate with officials at healthcare facilities, healthcare coalitions, and emergency management agencies to develop local and state emergency operation plans that address the needs of healthcare facilities during a VHF or other high-consequence disease outbreak response.

Emergency Public Information and Warning

Prepare risk communication messages for healthcare staff and the public including general information on VHF or other high-consequence diseases, risks to the public, risk of transmission, and protective measures. The following CDC resources can assist in developing jurisdictional risk communication strategies and plans.

Information Sharing

Ensure appropriate personnel are enrolled in information sharing systems and receive CDC Health Alert Network (HAN) notifications. Maintain situational awareness within the jurisdiction by regularly visiting the CDC website for the latest outbreak information, guidance documents, current case counts, maps of affected areas, and other CDC resources. Disseminate information to state and local response partners, including hospitals, healthcare systems, primary care associations, provider organizations, local public health partners, and emergency management partners.

Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (Travel-related Information and Public Health Interventions)

Ensure state and local epidemiologic and medical staff have the latest recommendations for travelers. State and local public health staff should assure that travelers have access to current information on the CDC Travelers' Health website, which includes travel notices and outbreak information.

Public Health Laboratory Testing

Ensure laboratorians and other healthcare personnel have reviewed and understand updated laboratory guidance for VHF or other high-consequence disease testing, including safe handling of specimens. It is important for staff in clinical laboratories to review safety protocols and procedures for performing routine diagnostic testing necessary for management and care of patients with a suspected VHF or other high-consequence disease to minimize risk to laboratory personnel.

Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation

Ensure surveillance tools are available to state and local epidemiologic staff.

Evaluating and testing an ill patient for a viral hemorrhagic fever or other high consequence infectious disease

Responder Safety and Health

Ensure that clinicians who may care for a patient with a suspected or confirmed VHF or other high-consequence disease are trained on infection prevention and control guidance and consider the resources needed (such as PPE, decontamination and waste management materials, and other supplies) to implement the guidance.